Safey® Secure Your Valuables.

Protects your valuables whilst you’re Safey relaxing.

What is Safey?

Safey is a patentable, new and innovative security product that offers a unique way of protecting the personal belongings of tourists while they are relaxing on their vacation. Safey gets installed on any type of umbrella thus allowing quick access and extra security to your end users.

Why is Safey important for your guests?

Recent surveys have shown that the average individual goes to a resort, hotel, pool, water-park, or any beach club around the world carrying with them at least a smartphone, money in their pocket, sunglasses and car / house keys totalling an excess amount of 500 – 1000 EUR.

Most importantly whilst they are at the pool, beach or partying they have no where to place their high-valued personal belongings and run the risk of them being stolen or leaving behind a family member and/or friend to safeguard them whilst the rest enjoy their holidays.

Therefore, with this in mind, Safey was born! Safey is here to offer ease of mind, quick access and security of your valuables whilst you, your customers or friends can Safey relax on the beach.

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  • safety-box-with-mobile-safe
  • safety-box-white-color
  • Safey MTN  branding
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  • safey-box
  • safety-boxes-beach

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Safey Features

  • Safey is a patent granted product made from the purest and highest quality plastic, coated with UV resistance to withstand extreme temperatures.
  • It is waterproof so that it can withstand rain, sea salt as well as be easily cleaned with a hose.
  • It was designed to have breathing holes at the back allowing humidity to escape from the safety box and at the same time allow breezes to pass though Safey and dry down personal valuables within the box.
  • Advertising Space – Safey measures 247*200*105 (mm) creating a mini billboard effect to potential sponsors.
  • Tablet holder to store smartphones and tablets.
  • Range of base colors provide unlimited advertising opportunities.
  • Premium Safey offers Cable Slot for Solar Charging your tablets and smartphones while they are safely kept in our box.
  • Door – The front door can be fully opened around 170degree and it is reinforced with hard plastic for extra security.
  • Multiple ways of installing Safey on any type of umbrella no matter how big or how wide.
  • Safey comes with our awesome key holder Safit®. Safit® is a patent granted complement product, made from high quality, water resistance plastic and each key that it carries is numbered with each lock on Safey® to make our customers life much more convenient and easy.

Safey Advertising Opportunities

Flat display areas in the front and inside of the box can be used for potential advertising. Moreover, Safey can be fully customized to display full-color photographs and high impact imagery, creating eye-catching advertising, branding and sponsorship messages.

Safey features a large surface area (247*200*105 mm ) to portray a more visible and impactful advertising message thus creating a mini billboard effect for potential sponsors.

Safey comes with a tablet pocket, whereby consumers can fit in their smartphones, tablets, or other electronic devices. Furthermore the front surface area of the tablet holder can also be fully-customized to display full-color photographs and advertisement messages of your company or sponsors.

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Safit allows you to safely store your keys whilst being active outdoors e.g swimming, jogging, mountain climbing, skiing and so on.A variation of key sizes can be easily inserted offering a stress-free experience, via its sleek and modern design.