Customize and Order

Upload your image and request a quote for Safey®

Product *:
Name Surname *
Telephone Number *
City *
Country *?To calculate shipping cost we will require your Country details.
Comments *
Quantity of units *
Box Color *
Extra Wristbands Quantity ?We recommend you order extra Safit Key Holders to cover potential loses.
Extra Locks ?We recommend you order extra locks to cover potential loses.
Partial Customization ?Comes in standard white colour with just sponsors branding message.
Full Customization ?Comes in any colour and with sponsors branding message.

Minimum quantity

There are extra setup and tooling charges for customisation orders equal and lower of 3000 boxes. (You can order less if you don’t need customisation.)

Safey color

White is Safey’s standard colour. You may order Safey in white, or you can customise it in any other colour you like.

Uploading image files

Files should be 300dpi, png, pdf or jpg format. If you have files in an other format, please submit them by email.

Payment Terms and Conditions

Payments terms and conditions will be send to you by email after we have received your request.

Our contact details

Think Big Group Ltd
4 Kouros Street, Office 501
Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel. (+357) 70 08 70 88
Fax. + 357 22 260 270